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Daniel Gibson

UNpopular Style Magazine

In an unreleased 2017 Q&A with Daniel "Booby" Gibson, find out what he looks for in a woman, his music, and the advice he has for athletes. Cover Image by @chichiforeign.

First purchase after the NBA draft?

I got my mom a new car.. I dreamed of that moment my entire life.

Considering all bodies of work: Timbaland or Pharrell

Two iconic producers. My choice would be Pharrell because he's also someone I've studied, the music is smooth & fashion is iconic as well. His creative range.

Kiss, Marry, Kill: Rihanna, Demi Lovato, Taraji P. Henson

Kiss Taraji P. Henson (still crushing on her) kill Demi Lovato and Marry Rihanna (never wanna let that go).

One hobby, or habit people would be surprised you have?

How much I love writing and how therapeutic it is for me. It has always allowed me to keep a positive outlook and create a beautiful perspective in tough situations.

Image: @snapaholicsphotography

We know you’re a big fan of Tupac. Tell us how he/his music has influenced you and what are you expecting of the All Eyez On Me film?

Excited and nervous because of how much I respect and admire his greatness I pray they are able to pull it off. [After watching] I realized just how hard it is to squeeze the life of someone so great and that accomplished before 25 into a 2 hour film ... I felt they left some things out that could've been driven harder but I'm also glad the world got to know him a little better.

Biggest Turn-offs & Turn-ons

An ambitious woman is a turn on. Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can wear, I'm from the country so a woman who cooks, cleans, and spoils her man is everything to me, wit a lil' attitude, and of course lips and cake. Lol. Turn offs are the opposite, a woman who's okay with laying around, being taken cared of don't do it for me..

Biggest regret

I don't live life with regrets, things happen in this life to shape us, inspire us, and mold us. Living with regret takes us away from God's purpose. Sometimes humiliation and mistakes are necessary.

If you had one super power, what would it be?

Mind reader... let me know what everybody thinking so we can all skip all the bullshyt..

When it comes to style & fashion, name 2 “Must Haves” when completing your look.

Fresh hat and fresh shoes.. are a must..

Advice to the athlete who is at the “end” of their sporting career and how they should approach their transition

Do you. Maybe you heard ya whole life basketball was it, well, basketball ends for every athlete, don't let anyone tell you what you can't do or what you shouldn't be doing.. live your life the way God designed you and that's with no fear. Trust yourself and be willing to work just as hard as you did going after basketball, at anything else.

What we need to know about your upcoming and current projects. and what you want fans to take from your music

July 17th/ 24th Starring in LHH Hollywood. Aug 11th. Single release.. Sept 1st. EP release "Nobody Knows" .. and ... you wanna win put Booby in.

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