Editor: Congratulations on the release of "All My Life" film. Although filled with comedic relief, the plot is heavy due to a cancer diagnosis. What drew you to this script?
Chrissie Fit: Thank you so much! I think it was the humanity of it. The fact it was a very real and grounded love story. I loved how our writer, Todd Rosenberg, balanced the serious moments with the funny and silly bits. Cause really, that's life. I know this couple and can really empathize with what they went through. It was just an epic love story that didn't need to play out in Paris or whatever to be impactful. And the messaging of living and loving fully is one that stuck with me after I finished the script.
Do you relate to your character 'Amanda Fletcher' at all? If so, how?
I'd like to think so. I consider myself a good and supportive friend. Amanda is always there with a mimosa or a joke and that's pretty much me too. I have a group of friends that have become like family and I think you also see that in the movie with our very special and insanely talented friend group. We got along so well on and off screen.
Let’s get into fashion, your Instagram is full of noticeable fashion from wardrobe to makeup, how would you describe your personal style?
Well, these days it's all about comfort. But when I'm not in sweatpants and a hoodie, I like to keep it simple, clean, and classy. I love anything timeless and classic. I mean, even just a white t and jeans will do it for me. I love clean lines, delicate details, and tailoring. When something fits you well, it makes all the difference.
Name your 2 fashion "must-haves" and why?
Block heel boots -- Comfy, classic, and adds a little bit of height for us shorties.
Black (faux) leather jacket -- Again, it's another staple that goes well with pretty much any outfit.

How do you keep your skin fresh and clear Any notable products you live by?
This is going to sound crazy but... Aveeno Positively Radiant. I use the moisturizer that has SPF 30 and also the skin brightening face cleanser. It's what I've used forever and it's one of those things like... if it ain't broke don't fix it.
It’s holiday season so that means holiday meal overload, what dish is a must and exempt from any diet you may have?
Any and all Cuban food. This year I won't be heading back home to Miami but whenever I do, I just have as much delicious Cuban food as possible. So rice and black beans, moro, fried plantains, yuca, pollo asado or a la chorrera... you'll have to google all these recipes and see how delicious they are if you don't know them. I don't eat red meat anymore and that's tough cause there's nothing like a pan con lechon or my mom's ropa vieja -- the English translation for that is "old clothes" but it's actually an amazing Cuban dish. Promise!

How do you stay fit around this time of year?
I think we need to enjoy life and do what makes us happy. So if you want to have that extra slice of pie, or in my case flan, then go for it!
What is something you think people would be surprised to know about you?
I have a pretty crappy memory. Which is not helpful when you're an actress and have to memorize lines!

Are there any other upcoming projects supporters should look out for outside of All My Life or causes you support others can get involved in?
I wrote and directed some mini episodes with the Jed Foundation and PINK that deal with mental health and provide people with mindfulness techniques to get them through the holidays. They are up on PINK'S Nation App, YouTube, and their social media channels. You can also check them out on my Instagram too (@chrissiefit). It's the first time I directed something and I'm hoping to do more work behind the camera in the coming year. Mental health is something I'm passionate about as well as finding permanent housing solutions for the growing homeless population in Los Angeles. I work with Path Partners and just got involved with LA Family Housing. Due to the pandemic, these are the two areas I've been focusing most on. If you can help, either by donating or volunteering, that would be a wonderful gift. https://epath.org/partner-with-path/ https://lafh.org/
PINK & Jed Foundation Press Pause initiative: https://www.youtube.com/user/PINK
Photography: Ryan West Photo
Styling & Glam: Adena Rohatiner, Jenny Ventura
Follow Chrisse Fit at: Instagram- @chrissiefit Twitter - @chrissiefit Facebook - @chrissiefit